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The Best NoSQL Database – Free Download | Couchbase – Table of Contents
In order to download our product, we need you to fill out a form. To do so tracking protection must be disabled. Learn How. A full-featured, multi-service NoSQL database available free of charge for evaluation, development, and unlimited preproduction testing.
Experience the unmatched agility, flexibility, and performance of NoSQL on the easiest platform to manage and scale, all risk-free as you transform your business with new business-critical applications. In order to use some of the latest features in Couchbase Server 7. See SDK compatibility chart to learn more. Couchbase Server 6. This release includes important bug fixes in many components. This release includes updated platform support in addition to bug fixes related to many components.
This release includes a few improvements in addition to bug fixes related to many components. This maintenance release includes bug fixes and a few improvements. It also adds support to Amazon Linux 2 and Ubuntu Eventing and Full-text Search also have significant updates that we know you will enjoy.
Read more to learn about the latest new features. Couchbase Server 5. This maintenance release includes bug fixes and improvements on multiple components. This maintenance release includes fixes to the index and query services, XDCR, and installer components. In addition to bug fixes, this release includes many enhancements to security, manageability, and performance. This is the third maintenance release in the 5.
Note: Upgrading from version 5. If you choose to upgrade to the 6. This is the second maintenance release in the 5. This is the first maintenance release in the 5. We recommend that all customers upgrade to the 5. In addition to bug fixes, this release includes enhancements to certificate-based authentication and the cbbackupmgr utility. It also enhances a wide ecosystem of big data and integration connectors.
Previously released versions of Couchbase Server Community Edition are available for your reference, though the latest version is recommended. Couchbase partners with major cloud providers and can be deployed via each of their marketplaces. Couchbase Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes provides a powerful cloud-native data platform that autonomously manages database lifecycle events and greatly simplifies integration with your cloud stack.
With the Autonomous Operator, you can easily run the most powerful NoSQL database as a stateful application on the same Kubernetes platforms as your stateless microservice applications, thus enabling hybrid and multicloud strategies and eliminating cloud vendor lock-in. Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2. This release introduces several new enterprise-grade features with fully autonomous capabilities for security, monitoring, high availability, and manageability.
Autonomous Operator enables DevOps teams to run their database as a fully managed stateful database application next to their microservices applications and provides freedom from locking into a single cloud vendor for their hybrid or multicloud strategy.
Autonomous Operator 1. This release further fortifies the previously released 1. Start exploring Autonomous Operator 1. Couchbase Autonomous Operator 1. It is available free of charge for unlimited pre-production development and testing, with support from our Couchbase Forums.
With the Autonomous Operator, you can easily run the most powerful NoSQL database as a stateful application on the same OpenShift platforms as your stateless microservice applications, thus enabling hybrid and multicloud strategies and eliminating cloud vendor lock-in.
Couchbase Service Broker is a new Couchbase Autonomous Operator component that allows DevOps to keep a catalog of services for all clusters and nodes under management. This reduces deployment complexity and helps automate the end-to-end processes of deployment. By downloading this component, you agree to the License Agreement. The Enterprise Edition builds on the robust functionality included in the Community Edition, and includes features such as encryption, peer-to-peer inter-device sync, on-device failover, predictive query API for machine learning predictions, delta sync for optimized data transfer, and more.
Couchbase Lite 2. NET platforms was released in January and includes Java platform support for desktop and web services applications. NET platforms was released in February and includes important bug fixes.
NET platforms was released in August and includes support for custom conflict resolution with 2-way merge. NET platforms was released in July to address important bug fixes.
We recommend that all customers using Swift and Objective-C upgrade to the 2. In addition to bug fixes, this release includes delta sync, enhanced logging, advanced replication eventing and filtering capabilities. NET, and Android in November NET and Android. NET, and Android. In addition to bug fixes, this release includes peer-to-peer synchronization, on-device data encryption, and much more.
In addition to bug fixes, this release includes on-device data recovery, a new and simplified query interface, and Full-Text Search. It is supported by the community on Couchbase Forums, and is best suited for non-enterprise mobile developers or non-commercial development where basic availability, performance, tooling, and query is sufficient.
The Community Edition is available free of charge for both development and production, but is not subjected to the same rigorous “test, fix, and verify” quality assurance cycle as the Enterprise Edition and is generally released several months behind Enterprise Edition. It is supported by the community on Couchbase Forums , and is best suited for non-enterprise mobile developers or non-commercial development where basic availability, performance, tooling, and query is sufficient.
Enterprise-grade Sync Gateway builds on the strong foundations of the Community version and includes scaling, performance, availability, and security enhancements for business-critical mobile and edge computing applications. Features include delta sync for optimized data transfer, sharding of imports, tunable options for cache management, load balancing and HA of inter-Sync Gateway replications, and more. Couchbase Sync Gateway 2.
In addition, a number of configuration options are available to developers that will allow them to tune the cache to meet the needs of Enterprise-grade deployments. In addition to bug fixes, this release includes delta sync and enhanced stats collection and logging support.
In addition to bug fixes, this release improves data privacy, enhances security, reduces failover recovery time, and improves query performance. In addition to bug fixes, this release adds support for a websocket-based replication, introduces a no conflicts mode, and enables setting of document expiry via the sync function. Previously released versions of Couchbase Sync Gateway Enterprise Edition are available for your reference, though the latest version is recommended.
Couchbase Sync Gateway enables secure data sync between Couchbase Lite enabled edge devices and the backend database hosted in Couchbase Server, or between edge and cloud datacenters. The open source Community Edition includes support for secure sync and data routing with fine-grained access control and authorization. Previously released versions of Couchbase Sync Gateway Community Edition are available for your reference, though the latest version is recommended.
With Couchbase Sync Gateway 1. Mobile, web and desktop applications can write to the same bucket in a Couchbase cluster. In this release, the metadata created by the Sync Gateway, to facilitate replication between occasionally connected or disconnected edge devices and Cloud, is abstracted from applications reading and writing data directly to Couchbase Server.
Couchbase Sync Gateway 1. This release is best for non-commercial developers who have no constraints on using these binaries in production systems. This release has not been subjected to the iterative test, fix and verify QA cycle that is a part of the Enterprise Edition release process.
This log decoding tool helps inspect Couchbase Lite operations and works with versions earlier than 2. Disable Tracking Protection In order to download our product, we need you to fill out a form.
Couchbase Server Enterprise. OS Ubuntu Version Get the beta Get current version. Download What’s new Release notes. SDK compatibility. Download What’s new. Release notes. Couchbase Server Community. Download Installation instructions Release notes.
Download Manual Release notes. No credit card required. Free Trial What’s included? Purchase From a Cloud Marketplace. Start Now. Download Documentation. OS macOS Linux. Download Documentation Release notes. Couchbase Lite Enterprise. Couchbase 2. Couchbase Lite Community. Sync Gateway Web gateway for secure data access and synchronization.